It is easy to form an Iowa For-Profit Corporation through the Fast Track Filing system. Before you begin, please know that you will need to upload and submit your Articles of Incorporation in PDF format as part of your filing submission. You can find what should be included in your Articles of Incorporation by reviewing Iowa Code section 490.202. When you have a PDF of your signed Articles of Incorporation ready, follow the steps below to see how it’s done.
Step One:
First, go to
Step Two:
You will need an account to file anything on Fast Track Filing (excluding Biennial Reports). To learn how to create an account, follow the steps in the tutorial at this link. Once you are logged in, you will see a “Home” screen that displays the Fast Track Filing Communication Center. At the top of the page, there will be a navigation menu—click on “Business Filings”.
Step Three:
A drop-down menu will appear. Click on “File A Document”.
Step Four:
In the “New Entities” menu, click on the “Form an Iowa Corporation” link. You can also read Iowa Code Chapter 490 for more information about forming a for-profit Corporation in Iowa.
Step Five:
From here, you will be redirected to the “Articles of Incorporation - Profit” page. On this page, you will need to select a chapter (a domestic profit or a domestic professional), a name for your entity (look at Iowa Code section 490.401 for more information), an optional effective date and time, and an expiration date*.
*If you do not want your for-profit corporation to have an expiration date, check the box that says “Perpetual”.
Step Six:
Next, you will need to upload your Articles of Incorporation in PDF format.
What goes in your Articles of Incorporation can be found by reviewing Iowa Code section 490.202.
Lastly, check Yes or No to the question “Does the corporation hold an interest in agricultural land in Iowa?”
Step Seven:
Next, you will need to add your Stock(s). Select the Type (Common or Preferred), the Class (A, B, C or Other), and the Series (whether it is Voting or Non-Voting), and the number of Shares.
If you need to add an additional Stock, click “Add another Stock” and fill out the information again for any additional Stock(s).
Step Eight:
You will also need to type in the information for your Registered Agent and Registered Office.
When you form a Corporation, you need to have a Registered Agent, which is an individual or entity that has been designated to receive service of process notices, government correspondence and compliance-related documents on behalf of the Corporation. Enter the information for your business entity's Registered Agent and the street address of your business entity's Registered Office in Iowa. Additionally, you will need to enter the mailing address information for your business entity's Registered Agent.
Step Nine:
Next, you will need to fill out the “Incorporator” section.
An Incorporator is someone who signs the Articles of Incorporation which create a legally recognized corporation. An Incorporator can be someone from the business or they can be someone hired to complete the incorporation, such as an attorney. In this case, the Incorporator is you.
You may add in information for an additional Incorporator as needed. To do so, click on "Add another Incorporator" and fill out the information again for your additional Incorporator(s).
Step Ten:
Now you will need to fill out information on the officers of your Corporation.
Corporate officers are high-level management executives hired by the business's owner or board of directors.
Examples of corporate officers are: President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director of the entity.
In this case, choose between President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director. Then provide the chosen officer's name and address.
Step Eleven:
Next, fill out the “Principal Office” section. Your principal office is the primary location where your business will be performed.
Step Twelve:
You will now need to submit your online signature stating that the above information is correct. You can also add another signature if needed.
Step Thirteen:
After you have filled out all required fields, click on the “Review & Pay” button. You will now be given the option to review your filing, as well as add payment information. Please make sure that there are no errors in your Articles of Incorporation filing submission before clicking "Review & Pay".
If you would like to save your progress and return to finish your filing submission at another time, click on the "Save Work" button.
Step Fourteen:
After you are finished reviewing your filing submission, and if you are ready to submit your filing, click “Submit to File” at the bottom of the page. If your submission was successful, you will see the text “Filing Submission Status: Success” on your screen.
Congratulations! Your filing has been successfully submitted. Your filing submission will be reviewed by the Secretary of State’s Office, and you will be notified by email when the filing is complete.
Once your filing submission is complete, you will be able to see your filing submission in your Dashboard.
To access your Dashboard:
- Visit Fast Track Filing (
- Sign in with your Username and Password
- Go to “Business Filings” and then click on “Dashboard”
You will see a category named “Approved Filings”, and your Articles of Incorporation will be listed there. You can now print your certificate, view/print your receipt of payment, and view the Acknowledgement of Document Filed from the Iowa Secretary of State's Office.